How to Save a Card in Flipkart? – A Step-by-Step Guide

How to Save a Card in Flipkart

Saving your card in Flipkart allows for faster and hassle-free checkouts. Here’s a detailed step-by-step guide to help How to Save a Card in Flipkart securely:

Step 1: Launch either the Flipkart App or the company’s website.

Step 2: Click on the ‘My Account’ Section

Step 3: They can go to “Saved Cards” or “Payment Options.”

Step 4: Add Your Card Details

Step 5: Verify Your Card

Step 6: Save the Card

Step 7: Allow the CVV option at the payment process (Optional).

To add another layer of security for the customer’s sensitive information, CVV will be asked each time a transaction is made, even for the saved cards, at Flipkart.

Important Notes

How to Use Saved Cards During Checkout?

  1. Take products to the cart and then move to the checkout option.
  2. In the payment section, people can choose the card they have saved previously.
  3. The key is in the CVV. Go ahead and pay for the order.

Following this guide will assist you in shopping efficiently on Flipkart while making secure and effective transactions.

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